Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Abundance/Ripening Time 2023

Bright Sunflowers

The summer seems to be slipping by. It's been a busy month for us here. We have many pictures in this edition. For those who enjoy the photos, you have a bonus.

The garden on July 20th

First up, the garden. It's beginning to produce a bit more, but we're still waiting for green beans, squash, cucumbers and tomatoes. What we do have is: fruit

A mixture of berries

Strawberries are done, blueberries are still going and autumn raspberries are trickling in.

Blueberries have been very productive

I have harvested all of the green cabbages. Red are next to be gathered.

One of our green cabbages

I'm still freezing kale, parsley and celery. We're just beginning to bring in beets, carrots, potatoes and wax beans.

Harvest starts small and slowly.

The garlic and shallots have been harvested...

Freshly pulled garlic

...and are curing in the cellar. (We decided that the attic may be too hot.)

Curing shallots and garlic

We decided it was time to do some maintenance work in our bird garden. Our primary ground cover there is lemon thyme.

Lemon Thyme in bloom

It is very beautiful and fragrant, the bees are ga-ga over it, and it grows like crazy. It had almost obliterated our walkway to the feeders. So, we decided to cut it back some and reclaim the path.

Bob working at one end of the path

I began work at the other end

It looks a little rough right now, but will soon look as if nothing happened. We took all that we removed and put it on each side of the front porch area. We hope that it will settle in there nicely.

The porch is finished. We love it, as does our neighbor's cat!

The neighbor's cat has claimed the porch

Here are the "more pictures" that I promised last time:

The final product

View from the doorway

Nice dining area

View from the porch

Another view of our apple trees

Final view of the yard

Yesterday's full moon coincided with Lamas Day. Lamas Day is the midway point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox. It's the high point of summer. We mark it as a time to celebrate the early harvests. Our weather was beautiful and we spent the day walking at Fillmore Glen State Park.

Enjoying a picnic on the trail

One of the views along the trail

A Red Spotted Newt beside the trail

We walked at a leisurely pace, taking three and a half hours, with many stops for photographs. We took a quick nap after we got home. We're getting old, you know!

Finally, this month we were also surprised when the village actually repaved all of the village streets (there aren't that many). We've been here for 12 years this month, and never has any repair work been done on our street. It was really deteriorating. We have heard that repaving was last done several decades ago.

The crew in front of our house

So we have a nice, smooth street out front. But now, our front walk needs to be done, and that's our responsibility. The projects never end, you know.

That's about it for this month's happenings. We hope you continue to enjoy your summer.

Till next time,

Kathleen and Bob

Hens and Chicks

Another lovely rainbow