Monday, January 13, 2025

Cold Time/Renewal Time 2025

A warm fire

We have indeed had some cold and very windy weather here during Cold Time. We haven't had very much snow at our house, but we did have snow on the ground for the 25th. It actually came just in time for the Solstice.

Snow came on the Solstice

The weather that day wasn't the nicest, so we relaxed at home: played a game, watched a movie, had some nice healthy food and some less healthy treats as well. We don't celebrate the Solstice so much as a return of the sun, but as a joyous time of rest.

Taughannock Falls on the 25th

A few days later on the 25th, the weather was still cold, but better, so we walked at Taughannock Falls State Park in Trumansburg.

The garden rests, but the work is never really all done.

The 2024 bean harvest

I finished threshing out the beans on the 24th.

Straw on the strawberries

And I got out to put straw mulch down on the strawberry beds once the ground finally froze.

New Year's Day is my traditional time to inventory my seeds and make my order for the next garden.

The seed inventory begins

The garden has been plotted, the seeds ordered and they're on their way.

We've both been busy working on the bathroom remodel and it's really coming along.

Tub surround bracing in place

We hired a younger man with more muscles and expertise to help Bob get the new shower surround up and cemented to the walls.

Resurfaced tub

Then Bob resurfaced the cast iron tub. It would have been impossible to get the tub down the stairs, or a new one up, for that matter. We suspect that it was installed either before the reconfigured stairway and hall were finished, or before the old large window was replaced with a new, dinky one. Either way, our only options were to resurface or live with the dull blue one. 

The new finish was mighty stinky for a few days, but that has all dissipated now. We're letting it cure for a while before Bob caulks the tub and surround.

In the meantime, he's been laying the new flooring.

Laying the new flooring

He just finished it before lunch today and it looks good.
Here's what it looks like right now (before his mess is cleaned up).

Bathroom on Jan 13

Next, he'll begin to install the trim work which I have been busy painting.

Closet door trim

I'm still working on the entrance door and have yet to do the window and entrance door trim.

Our evenings have been used to pursue renewal.
I have been knitting.

Sweater in progress

I finished Bob's sweater in December and am working on one for myself.

Often Bob reads aloud while I knit. We're reading a volume on daily life in early America in this way.

We also have our own books that we read. Bob's currently reading about a naturalist that lived in Maine. I'm reading a guide to North American fossils. It shows me how much of my college geology I have forgotten!

Of course, I've always got my harps to challenge my brain power and my patience. And we're nearly finished watching the David Attenborough DVD set, The Life of Birds. Very interesting.

We wouldn't mind if the sun took a little bit longer to return, but we can't stay the cycles of the universe. In the month ahead we'll slowly begin the transition to more activity and preparation for growth ahead. But there's still some time left for renewal.

We hope this finds you all well, safe and feeling soul nourished.
Till next time,
Kathleen and Bob

Lower Falls at Taughannock State Park 12/25

This is the big falls 215'