Friday, July 27, 2018

Fire Fly Time 2018

The July Garden

Trellises filling with bean vines

The month of Fire Fly Time has come to an end. This is the month when the garden really begins to come into its own. Here's some of the produce we've been enjoying....

Raspberries and squash

Cabbages and currants


Eggplants and peppers

And our first tomato!

We've also harvested and frozen black currants, sour cherries, strawberries, blue berries, peas and parsley. The second freezer has been turned on. A true mark of the season!

Chopping cabbage to ferment

We had "Kraut Day" this month. Our 15 liter fermenting crock is now filled with red cabbage and cucumbers. It's in our root cellar, bubbling away. (We hope!)

Bob pressing down the shredded cabbage

I harvested garlic last week. There are now fifty one large heads drying in our attic. Later I'll plant fall spinach in this spot.

Garlic bed waiting to be harvested

Harvested garlic 

Fall carrots are up, and this weekend I'll sow our beets.

Besides helping on "Kraut Day", Bob's been starting to bring in firewood. So far he's got about five face cords done.

The compound miter saw works great for cutting up the "small wood"

Another of his chores is tending the fruit trees. He has to thin excess fruit, remove pests and spray the fruits to deter some pests.

Spraying with Surround clay

He uses only organically approved sprays: a dormant oil spray and a clay spray. Both coat the trees/fruit and act as a barrier against pests. We've always had great success with these.

While Bob and I are busy about the homestead, Lunette does her fair share. She considers her primary functions these days as patrol and guard.

One of her favorite sentry points

When she deems it necessary, she'll chase vermin or kill a snake or two.

Too hot and tired

As she ages and her heart gets a bit weaker, the heat really affects her. We've had some very hot and humid weather this month and she has suffered. Poor baby.

Welcome break from chores

Still, when she's off duty, a walk in our woods is always welcome.

Hopefully next month will bring the produce in earnest. I should be canning tomatoes and freezing beans by then, as well as digging and storing potatoes.

We hope that all of you are enjoying your summer. Get outside and get in touch with nature. Even if it's just sitting on your stoop. It's great for your health. Next month I'll tell you all about my new canner. Oooh.

Till then,
Kathleen, Bob and Lunette



  1. So much beauty, I love seeing what you're up to!

  2. Great to hear from you again. Hope all is well at your end.

  3. Glad to see all the hard work you all put in. In Lunette's mind, her pest control services are responsible for probably 60% of the harvest :-).

  4. At least! She's on the job nearly all the time. (She does take breaks to eat and nap.)
