Saturday, December 22, 2018

Darkest Depths 2018

Our snowperson has gotten tipsy from too much moonshine!

Just after noon today the moon is full and we slip from the month of Darkest Depths into Cold Time. The fact that the Winter Solstice was last night is a happy coincidence.

We've had some warm weather this past month. Yesterday it was 60 degrees! But in the evening, rain moved in and we woke to four inches of snow on the ground. It looks much more as it should for this season!

Scrubbed sunchokes waiting to be sliced.

Because of the warm weather, Bob was able to dig the sunchokes and we got them packed into the crock to ferment. Yumm!

I've been busy since Thanksgiving threshing out my dried beans. I worked six days a week and finally finished on the 18th. I got 10 gallons to put in the pantry. I'm glad that job's done!

A year's worth of dried beans for us.

Sweater for this year.

Since I was so busy with the "bean project", I've not spent enough time on Bob's Christmas sweater. I'm nearly finished with one sleeve, but still have one to go. It's not his only gift, so he'll not be a sad little guy. Actually, we do all of our gift shopping at pre and post holiday sales for the upcoming year. They just go into a drawer and when a birthday, anniversary . . . comes along, we pull something out. We just got all of our gifts for 2019!

While I've been busy with the beans, Bob's been working on the bathroom project. He hooked up all of the plumbing and it tested out fine, with no leaks!

Major plumbing rework.

Now he's got the wiring done. The wiring in that room was particularly distressing and has been disconnected since shortly after we moved in (as soon as it was discovered).

Measuring for lights.

The electrical inspector is due to come in January. In the meantime, Bob's got a little wiring to do in the garage and many holes to deal with in the walls of the bathroom.

Lights at last!

He need not be idle!

We celebrated the Solstice last night. We had a special dish for supper and some pumpkin pie.

Celebration table cloth and Solstice tree

After supper we played a board game, worked on a jigsaw puzzle and watched a short video.


This morning we relaxed by the fire, eating a leisurely breakfast of warm blueberry scones and tea and looking out at the snowy woods.

That's what the season of darkness is about for us; resting, rejuvenating and quietly enjoying life.

May your season and celebrations be all that is meaningful and enjoyable to you. And if not, why not take steps to make is so? We have, and it's worth it.

Till next time,
Kathleen, Bob and Lunette


  1. I never get over how much you guys do!!!! I hope you have a great holiday! I missed seeing pictures of Luna (that's your dog's name, right?).

  2. Our dog Lunette's been busy resting this month, too. (not much to look at).

  3. Knowing how much of your diet is bean based those 10 gallons of beans does not seem superfluous but I can't imagine working so many days on one project. The sweater is coming nicely though. I'm on my last present and since we aren't celebrating until next Sunday I should be in good standing. I sure miss chatting with you once in a while, but it's my fault. I know where you live.
