Friday, June 14, 2019

Bright Time/Flowering Time 2019

Fragrant shrub roses

The full moon is once again at hand, and it's time for another update from Thistledown Gardens and the Romicks.

Bright Time has been more gloomy than bright, as our stinky weather continues. We did have sun three days in a row last week! Bob heard that it was the first three consecutive days without precipitation since September. I can believe that! Let me tell you, we jumped right on those days to take advantage of the dry stretch.

Bob using the rented sander

During that time we sanded and sealed the bathroom floor.
The sanding was more difficult that we anticipated. Asphalt tiles had been glued directly onto the floor boards, and the adhesive had penetrated into the wood.

Much hand sanding was needed on tough spots

As we sanded, it warmed up the glue and boy, did things get gummy! After twelve hours of struggle, we called it "good enough".

Applying polyurethane

The next day I sealed the floor and it looks good. That left us with one good day for it to dry.
We'll let it cure until next weekend. Then we will install the fixtures. By the next update, you'll see a finished project!

A glimpse of the finished floor

The garden is all planted, except for the fall beets and carrots.

Setting in Lima bean plants

The growth has been SLOW! We're still buying produce at the grocery store.

Setting in tomato plants

I need to buy a huge sun lamp to hang over the garden so things can begin to grow!

Recovering in the fresh air

Lunette had her surgery. She had some trouble coming out of the anesthesia, but is fine now. Let's hope that's the end of that trouble.

Nest on compost pile fence

The birds have all fledged from our three Robin's nests. We found the third on the corner of our compost pile fencing. Goofy birds.

Strawberry bed in bloom

We're looking forward to some strawberries, if we get some more sun. They're just starting to change color now.

That's about all for now. Let's all start to seriously hope for some fine weather to come and stay!

Till next time,
Kathleen, Bob and Lunette

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