Friday, November 19, 2021

Seed Fall/ Frost Time 2021

First Frost

The moon was full this morning, just before the lunar eclipse. I was up to watch that. I normally rise at 4:30 but woke at 3:45. I figured as long as I was awake, I'd watch the eclipse. It was a peaceful way to begin the day. That full moon brought to a close our month of  Seed Fall/Frost Time.

Most of the news this month centers around closing down the garden for the winter.

Celery has all been dried to use later.

Six celery plants here!

Pears have been dried or eaten fresh.

Pears dipped in pineapple juice. Yum!

Beets and carrots have been harvested and are in the root cellar.

Cylindra beets

Scarlet Nantes carrots

The sunchokes have been dug and set down in the fermentation crock with kim chi spices. So good!


Ready to get started on the "chokes"

Bob has dug the horseradish roots.

Starting the horseradish harvest

The roots are all washed and waiting. We will grind them and set them down on the 20th. That's our last job to do.

The garlic has been planted. I also planted some shallots and walking onions to see how they will winter over.

Cleaning up a bean trellis

So, the garden is finally empty! 

Bob covered each planting bed with mulched leaves.

Adding a layer of leaf mulch

I shoveled the decaying wood chips from off of the paths and put them on top of the leaves that Bob laid down.

Layering on wood chips

It took a couple of weeks, but the weather held fair and the job is all done. Everything is tucked in and ready to rest. It's a good feeling!

A big job well done

Seed Fall is also the time when I process seeds I've saved from the garden. I only grow heirloom and open pollenated varieties, so I can save my seeds with confidence that they will perform as expected when I plant them. Here I'm putting away Dester tomatoes, castor beans, garlic chives, coriander (cilantro), and strawflowers. I also put away some white patty pan squash seeds.

Saving seeds, a part of the harvest

On the heat pump front: the crew returned and did some clean up work outside, but the ground was too wet. I think they'll have to wait until the spring to finish up that job. Our heat pump is due to be installed any day now. All of the parts finally came in and they said they should be here to install the middle or end of November. That's okay, we're still using up fuel oil.

This is the time of year when we transition to rest time. Our focus shifts from providing for our physical beings, to providing for our spiritual beings.

Ready to settle in

We spend time relaxing physically, reading, thinking, enjoying nature and exercising our creative muscles. For me, that's needlework and harp work. For Bob, that's planning or working on home improvement projects and tending the bird feeders.

To live a balanced life is to live attentive to both the physical and the spiritual life. We like to think of our year like the ebb and flow of the tide. It's a construct that makes the most sense to us.

Ah, the snow is starting to fall again, inviting me to settle in and recharge.

We hope that you can make an effort to do likewise. It will prove to be well worth your while.

May your Thanksgiving be peace filled. Be careful and be safe.

Until next time,

Kathleen and Bob

Holiday treat, shortbread acorn cookies


Who needs a gym membership?


  1. I always look forward to your report about what is happening in your lives. I think both Hen and I would have been quite happy if we had started out as you folks are doing. It's too much to drop all our current doings and try to make such a change at 79 and 81.

    1. Thanks Mary. It was even a little late to start out at 52. Live and learn. However,
      you have both had wonderful experiences abroad.
