Friday, March 18, 2022

Ice and Wind Time 2022

Daffodils are starting to peek out

This full moon has brought to a close our month of Ice and Wind Time. It's the month when the tug of war between winter and spring begins. One day, the temperature may work its way up into the 60s, the next, it may be 20 degrees colder. Then it climbs up again over the span of a few days, only to repeat the cycle. We've had both beautifully warm days, and days of wind, rain and heavy snow. As the month begins winter definitely has the upper hand. As it ends it is more of a even draw, with spring perhaps slightly ahead. By the end of the next cycle, spring will definitely be in the lead. 
The birds are returning; red winged blackbirds and kildeers are here, and today I saw my first Mourning Cloak (butterfly). I have not yet heard the peepers.

Taughannock Falls

Yesterday was one of those deliciously warm days, so we went for a walk along the North Rim Trail of the Taughannock Falls State Park. We're lucky to have so many beautiful waterways and falls in our immediate area.

The upper falls at Taughannock Park

 This is also the month that I begin to start my garden seeds in my cellar. 

All set to begin

I've started kale, chard, cabbages, celery, parsley, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. So far only the kale, and some chard and cabbages have come up. I'll begin some more things soon.

The laundry room is all done! Well, except for one door that I need to paint. It's a steel exterior door and I want to make sure the weather will stay warm enough for the paint to cure.
Here's a sort of panorama of the room:

Kitchen entry to laundry room

Here's the door into the laundry room from the kitchen. This is the "barn door" that I mentioned in the last update. If we slide this aside and step into the room...

Laundry side of "barn door"

and turn around, we see the opposite side of the "barn door". Turning to our right a bit, we see the rest of that wall.

Rest of the east wall

Now to our right again, we see the south and west walls with my storage shelves and "tool rack".

South and West walls

Turning to the right once more we can see the laundry sink, washer and door to the downstairs bath on the north wall.

Laundry sink and washer

The thing above the sink is a fold out drying rack (in use there). That's all there is to this little room. I'm very pleased with it. It's so much brighter and easier to work in now. You can check out the "before" pictures on our post "Long Nights Time 2021".

The last task

This door is the last one that I have to paint. It will match the trim color.

That's about all from here right now. This coming month we'll be getting busy with garden preparations, and I'll also be doing my spring cleaning. Bob will be planning out his next project, so stay tuned.

Enjoy the coming nice weather (and expect and tolerate some crumby weather, too).

Till next time,
Kathleen and Bob

At Taughannock on March 17

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