Monday, August 19, 2024

Abundance/Ripening Time 2024


Some August produce

Abundance/Ripening Time marks the zenith of summer. Our garden production is a bit down this year, so today we ordered 13 yards of mushroom compost to pep it up for next season. Still, we're getting enough produce to feed ourselves now and later.

More of summer's bounty

We're freezing a variety of things: green beans, cabbage, parsley and celery leaves, sweet peppers and pasta sauce.

Our blueberries did quite well and were delicious. 

Blueberries and shiitake mushrooms

Bob's shiitakes have had a few flushes (fruiting periods). I'm beginning to dry them now.

1 quart of dried mushrooms

Today we took an assortment of vegetables and put it into our 7.5-liter fermentation crock. We haven't done a mixed crock in several years and are looking forward to the results.

A lot of goodies for the mixed crock

Later this week we plan to dig our sweet potatoes, before they reach the football stage.

The garden had become quite overgrown with weeds while I was laid up with my fracture. We spent every day last week weeding and finally got it back into reasonable condition.

I can raise my arm again!!!

 On August 5, my orthopedist said I was 80-90% healed and that I should start to resume all of my normal activities. I will see him for (hopefully) the last time on September 6th. In the meantime, I've been practicing my harp, doing most of my yoga and about all of my other regular activities. There's still quite a bit of scar tissue to deal with, but I'm improving daily.

Ramp improvement underway

Bob has reconstructed the "scene of the crime" - our garden shed ramp. He replaced the treated wood decking, which was showing signs of deterioration, with new composite decking. Then he replaced our rubber non-skid mats with metal grip strips. This should be a better solution.

Goodbye Leaf

We sold our electric Leaf this month. It was a good little car for Bob's short commute, and a good chance to see if we liked an electric car. The new owner wants it for the same purpose. If he likes electric, he'll buy another when this one's battery is finished.

This month we went on two outings.

Peaceful Lake Ontario

First we went to Sterling Nature Center, which has trails in the woods and along the shore of Lake Ontario.

A wooded trail at Fillmore Glen

Our next trip was a return to Fillmore Glen State Park.

Both days were hot, but we stayed cool by going to the lakeshore and into the woods.

This is what's been keeping us busy here. It's hard to believe that September is just ahead!

We hope that all of you have been enjoying this season of abundance. The harvests are at hand.

Take care, until next time,

Kathleen and Bob

At Sterling Nature Center

Button Bush at Sterling

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