Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Ice Time/ Windy Time I

And so, the garden begins

The full moon is upon us, and so another month comes to a close. This has been the month of Ice Time/ Windy Time I. Now in the mornings when I take my walk there's ice along the edges of the creek and the wind blows most of the days.
It's a time of seasonal transition, which changes minute by minute. One minute it's sunny, the next there's a snow flurry. Sometimes both happen simultaneously. But spring is coming. I hear the Red Winged Blackbirds calling when I walk now. Coincidentally, this full moon falls on the Vernal Equinox. This is our Festival of Awakening. As you see by the photo above, we're already preparing for spring's awakening, and watching for signs of awakening in nature and in our spirits.

Bob's been busy on the bathroom project.

New ceiling and patched walls

The walls are mended, the ceiling is up and all of the joints have been taped and mudded.

Mudding a tricky corner

A lot of fussy work had to be done around the plumbing enclosures.

Access boxes for pipes to second floor 

But the pipes to the second floor are now all hidden behind access panels.

Now he's patching a couple of holes in the floor.

I've been preparing the woodwork for repainting. I've just a bit more work to do. Hopefully I'll be priming and painting walls, ceiling and trim within the next month.

As I mentioned last time, our larder is running low, as it always does this time of year. We begin to eat a lot of sprouts to get some fresh vegetables in our diet: peas, clover, alfalfa, lentil, sunflower, radish, and such. I have several different types of equipment to use, depending on what I'm sprouting.

Sprouts in three stages of growth

Something is always ready to use, or getting started. It takes a bit of planning to have something always at the ready.

Now is also the time to begin some of the seeds which will be transplanted into the garden. On the 15th of  March I sowed the cold loving plants, and some of the warmth loving plants that grow a bit slowly. Many were already up by the 18th.

Sowing seeds for transplanting

These seeds are in the cellar under the lights until about the middle of April, or so.

That's about what we're up to: bathroom work and starting seeds. Soon we'll get outside and begin cleaning up the yard and garden.

Lunette is about the same as always. Tracking mud through the house on a regular basis. Perhaps I should call next month, Mud Time.

Till next time, take care and watch for Awakenings, within and without.

Kathleen, Bob and Lunette

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