Thursday, April 18, 2019

Windy Time II/ Awakening

Lovely Daffodils

Snowdrops in our woods

Awakenings. Have you been looking for them?

They're showing up all over; flowers bursting forth, gold finches becoming a brighter yellow...

Sorrel in the herb bed

Chives in the herb bed

...herbs are shooting up, the grass getting greener, peepers are peeping.

We've had a productive month here. The bathroom renovation is moving along. I worked like a bee and have the ceiling, walls and trim all primed and painted. The room has five doors and to windows which face due south and west.

Vivid color!

The fixtures will be white, and it's a very bright room, so I chose a rich, deep purple for the walls. We love it! It will be very striking when all done.

Another view of the walls

Now I'm working on the doors. I'm halfway done. Then I will paint the trim to go at the ceiling.

Tub partially unpacked sitting in the front room

Our tub came last week. We won't install it until we get the floor done. That's the next thing to be done. We want to wait for the weather to warm up a little before we apply the finish. In the meantime, we'll get it all prepared.

And what's any home renovation project without a mishap? Bob was using his nailer to attach some door trim and hit one of our baseboard heating pipes dead center. Water (under pressure, of course) came spurting out! There was nothing to do but let it bleed itself out.

Wet floor by pierced pipe

New pipe. All fixed.

The heating specialist came that afternoon and repaired it. We won't make that mistake again!

As Bob rightly noted, "It's better than a trip to the emergency room." Isn't that the truth!

We're just starting to get things done outside. I've got all of the plastic mulch from last year pulled up, the rose bush has been pruned and the herb bed has been cleaned up.

Lovage coming up in the herb bed

Of course, the seedlings are still growing under the lights in the cellar. By the next update things will have been planted outside.

Bob has moved my clotheslines, sprayed dormant oil on his fruit trees and pruned the raspberries. This weekend rain is predicted, so he'll take off the snow thrower and install the mower on his lawn tractor. Now that's a seasonal change milestone!

Spring is birthday time for us, here. Bob's birthday was this week. Mine was in March. He's finishing a decade, while I'm just beginning a new one. Since this was a significant birthday for me, I felt it merited some thought. I spent about eight months prior thinking about what I wanted in this next phase of my life. Several things came to the surface.

My Jolie harp

One thing that rather surprised me was that I wanted to learn to play the folk harp. I enjoy Celtic harp music and this will bring me pleasure and keep my brain active. I was able to purchase a mid sized (33 string) floor harp which arrived last Thursday. My lesson materials arrived on Saturday. I'm on my way!

I love this harp's tone

It feels like I'm back in the fourth grade, trying to master such greats as "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Go Tell Aunt Rhodie". My brain is certainly getting a workout! This is one of my personal  "awakenings"

Cherry Berry pie

Bob didn't get a special present this year. He got his last year - his electric car. He's happy with that (and his birthday pie).

That's the news for now. Here's wishing you many new beginnings.

Kathleen, Bob and Lunette

Bloodroot in our woods

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