Friday, January 10, 2020

Cold Time/ Renewal Time 2020

Lunette rests while on a foggy walk

Hello again from restful Thistledown Gardens. Our weather has not really lived up to the name "Cold Time". For the most part, it's been unseasonably warm. Our precipitation has been a fairly even split between rain and snow, I'd say. We have had quite a bit of wind.

Solstice walk at Taughannock Falls State Park

On the solstice we had a nice meal and walked at nearby Taughannock Falls State Park. (We can't take Lunette so she stayed home with a peanut butter treat!). It was cold, but very lovely. You just need to dress for the weather.

Taughannock Falls on the solstice

Bob cleaning out files

On New Year's day we did our annual cleaning out of paper files. We got a lot of shredded paper to use in the compost buckets. We also had clothes, books and household items to be eliminated. All of that was taken into town the first week of the new year. We call those trips, "drop and shops". Ideally we drop off more than we pick up. We did come home with a goody this time. More on that later.

This is our time of rest and renewal, but that doesn't mean we sit around like slugs for three months. We still have a certain amount of work to do. We simply take a slower pace and be sure to include activities that enrich our souls. I have to maintain the home, feed us and keep our clothes clean.
My bean threshing project is almost completed.

Table runner begun

As part of my renewal program, I've begun work on a cross stitch table runner.

Bob still has to earn his wages at Cornell. As part of his renewal, he's been working on some woodcraft. He is not a true "woodworker", but he likes to "dabble".

Harp easel

First, for my Yule gift Bob made an easel for my Reverie Harp. The wood is from a cutting board which we bought at ReUse in Ithaca for $1. The grain is lovely, but the wood that was used had a strong odor. (Some woods have a naturally strong odor.) It made a nasty cutting board, but for this use its smell doesn't matter. All we had to buy was the hinge. Everything else we had on hand.

Easel in use

I think it turned out very well. Bob made it just by looking at a photo of the parts on line. It's nice to have an engineer about, sometimes.

My chair needed to be repaired

His next project was to repair my chair. One day when I was cleaning I noticed that the under workings of my chair were coming apart. Bob disassembled and repaired the worn wooden sections. Now it's good as new.

Some of the areas that were repaired

His current project is an antique desk which we bought on our "drop and shop" trip that I mentioned.
This secretary was just put out on the sales floor while we were at ReUse. It was a desk with a book cabinet on top. They were asking $125, but they were having a 55% off sale that day, so we paid $60 which included the taxes!

Desk "base"

When we got it home and examined it, we saw that it was really two different pieces of furniture cobbled together to make one. This often was done when pieces were damaged or worn. It's a frugal practice we would do well to copy.

Inside view of desk

Both pieces are in quite good condition. The finish is fine. The desk drawers need a little attention.
We have decided to use the two pieces separately. The top portion will be used as a cabinet after Bob makes a simple base for it.
So we got two pieces for that $60!

Top portion will become a cabinet

Bob working on the drawer slides

We've wanted a desk for some time. Right now all of our office supplies are in three different places on two floors. Preparing to mail a bill payment takes quite a bit of running here and there. Now we'll be organized. Hurray!

We'll continue to rebuild ourselves, preparing for spring. The next garden has been planned. The seeds and supplies have been ordered. Just like nature in winter, things may look lifeless, but there is life stirring underneath. Encourage the growth of your own inner garden.

Till next time,
Kathleen, Bob and Lunette

Lunette at one of her favorite haunts, Lodi Point Park


  1. Love the construction projects. The table runner is something I could do, but never will because I get frustrated with counted cross stitch. The desk-cabinet find is a bonanza and for $60. I'm a bit shut in right now. I got a new right hip for Christmas. I'm doing quite well with the recovery, but it has slowed me down a bit.


  2. Hope your recovery is swift, Mary. Stay off the ice.

  3. Beautiful work you are both doing during these cold months! Looking forward to the warmer weather when we will see you both more often. :)

