Sunday, February 9, 2020

Stay at Home Time/ Cleansing Time 2020

Full moon on February 8, 2020

Yesterday was the last day of Stay at Home Time, and boy it went out will a bang! On Friday morning we woke at 4:30 am (as usual) and could see some ice was on surfaces outside. At 4:45 am, sleet was hitting our windows. By 5:30 am it began to snow and snowed hard until late in the afternoon. Bob didn't go into work that day. The roads were terrible.

The post storm view from our back deck

We ended up with 10-12" of snow on top of the ice. It was indeed, Stay at Home Time!

This afternoon we may break out the snowshoes and enjoy a jaunt on our property.

It's a good time to get some soup on the stove

Traditionally, February 2 is the halfway mark of the winter. Old wisdom held that on that day you should be halfway through your woodpile and your provender. We're pretty good. A bit less than halfway on each. We should finish off the season just fine.

A boy and his dog

The second of February also marks Lunette's "Dogaversary". She's been with us for seven years now.

We've been working on our winter crafts.

The desk in action

Bob has finished repairing the desk...

New stand for cupboard

...and has built a stand for the cupboard. Once the warm weather comes, I'll finish it to match the cupboard color.

Bean harvest for last summer

I've finished threshing the beans. Ten gallons, which should see us through until the next harvest is ready.

Cross stitch project continues

I've also been working on my cross stitch, knitting and harp practice.

I'm taking my time with all three. They are all of a time consuming nature, and I'm enjoying the process.

Aran sweater. Not difficult, but time consuming

That's about all of the excitement from our time of rest. It will be time to rev up our activity soon. Until then, we continue to rest, and hope that you'll do the same. Nature knows rest is necessary, so go ahead and don't feel guilty. You'll just be doing what is natural.

Till next time, we bid you rest,
Kathleen, Bob and Lunette

Lunette's always on sentry duty


  1. Your needlework is beautiful as always. What is the counted cross stitch project for? The Aran knit is beautiful. i really enjoy all the cables. No, not difficult, just time consuming. I really like the picture of the dog and her boy. Such fun. Lunette has such a loving home. I am glad she has you to love on her. Enjoy what is left of your rest time. I was wondering if we could have a conversation some time about your mushrooms. I would like to know more and talk with you first before going to someone or some place else for information, if that could be available. I could meet you at the Lodi library if you would like. Of late I have been there on Wednesday afternoons for meetings with my job coach. Let me know. Thank you in advance.
    Abbie Lynn
