Monday, March 9, 2020

Ice Time / Blustery Winds Time 2020

Nectarine tree in February

This moon cycle, and the one we are just entering, are times of great changes. The weather shifts back and forth, gradually moving toward warmth and spring. It puts me in mind of that transient state one experiences just before becoming fully conscious after sleep. Almost awake, and yet, not.

Bob and Lunette enjoy the snow

On February 9th, we had about 12" of snow on the ground.
We went out snowshoeing.

Kathleen over looking the creek

On March 9th, it's nearly 70 degrees and the daffodils and garlic are coming up.

Just as people drift in and out of sleep, our days will alternate between spitting snow and sunny warmth. It's all part of the great cycle.

Grackles gather in our trees

The birds are also stirring. We've had HUGE flocks of migrating Red Winged Blackbirds and Grackles at our house. They surround the house and are so thick on the ground that there can't be more than four inches between each one! The sound is amazing. It's a pretty awesome spectacle! I've also seen a Killdeer on my daily walk. In general the birds are becoming more vocal.

This week I'll be starting some of my seeds in the cellar. The time has come.

I'll be starting my spring house cleaning very soon. There's also spring cleanup to be done outside. This will be one of my tasks as well.

Bricks in the herb bed to be reset after winter and dog hunting

This is also a good time to be finishing up small projects before the outside work becomes too heavy.
One of the projects that Bob is working on is the old chimney stack in one of our upstairs rooms.

Chimney closet with stack above

The vent holes were never filled in. Those tin covers were stuck in and painted over.
Cold air leaked around the covers, so it was time to take action.

The grey stuff is cellulose insulation leaking out

Bob removed the covers and caulked rigid foam board in the hole.
Next he needs to drywall over that. Then I'll paint. This could be a challenge. I've never painted this room because the walls have been textured and painted with a gloss finish. Oh boy!

Bob's also begun planning the next house renovation project. This one needs to be done in warm weather because it involves adding windows and removing wallboard. This will be a reworking of the former den, which is our pantry. The walls are paneled, and we suspect that the drywall behind it is either incomplete, or non existent. We feel a lot of cold air coming in back there. We need to address these things if we're to live energy wise and responsibly. Windows will be added to the south wall because it's as dark as, well as a den, back there. I'll include photos of that project in the next update.

So, you see, we're beginning to stir from our winter's rest, ready for another cycle to begin. Happy Vernal Equinox and Farmer's New Year.

Till next time,
Kathleen, Bob and Lunette

Just for fun

Birthday flowers to brighten up March


  1. I always look forward to your Thistledown reports. I like to see what you are doing and have done and I always appreciate your thoughts about life in the Finger Lakes as lived by two deep thinkers.


    1. Thanks Mary. Always good to hear from you.

  2. Kathy, Let me know when you trim your roses. You are my agricultural and horticultural calendar!
    Lunette looks great with glasses. I wish I looked as good when I got mine in 4th grade.
