Thursday, May 7, 2020

Shoots Show / Growing Time 2020

Nectarine blossom

Greetings to our captive audience! We can judge how bored everyone is becoming by watching how quickly the number of "hits" on our post climbs. Glad we can be of service!

We're still carrying on here. Apparently spring is also on a "stay at home" order, because it's sure not visiting us! Our weather has generally been cloudy, wet and close to twenty degrees below normal.

Young plants under cover this afternoon

There's another freeze warning tonight, so we've put some protection over the plants in the garden again.

Birthday Bob

The month began with Bob's birthday (April 16). We couldn't go out to eat, as is our birthday tradition, but I made him one of his favorite dinners. Lunette took him for a walk in our woods. As you can see, we had snow for the occasion.

I've gotten all of the cool weather crops planted. Just now some of the peas and lettuce are starting to emerge. They need more than one warm and sunny day every two weeks to really get going.

Setting out seedlings
Here's a list of what's out there, above or below the surface: lettuce, chard, spinach, kale, cabbage, potatoes, tat soi, pac choi, shallots, garlic, peas, mustard greens, carrots and beets.
The warm weather plants are in pots, waiting to be planted at the end of May (I hope).

Our strawberry plants look pretty good. It's hard to believe that they'll have berries by the end of June.


The currants and rhubarb are looking good. I've got all of the necessary ingredients for my rhubarb sauce. Can't wait for that!

While I've been busy with the planting, Bob's been weeding and maintaining the edging around the "bird garden".

Cleaning the edges

He's removed the large edging stones so that he could dig out encroaching grass. He needs to replace some of the landscape fabric, too.

Wall at the lower edge

He's also gone to the creek bed for more stones. The downhill side needed a second layer of stones to guard against washouts.
When he's done, fresh cedar mulch will go over the exposed ground.

We've had a lot of bird activity lately. Just this afternoon I watched seven (2 female and 5 male) Rose Breasted Grosbeaks sitting in our nectarine tree, not more than 15 feet away from me. We've had two male Baltimore Orioles also visit this same tree daily. There are Robins and Cardinals nesting in our front and back door shrubs. This evening as we ate supper, we watched a White Crowned Sparrow in our bird garden. I'm glad that the birds are free to move about. It's so nice to watch them.

That's about all of the news from here. We're looking forward to some warn and sunny weather more than anything else.
We hope all is well where you are. Keep on keeping on. We don't want to have to delete anyone from our mailing list due to COVID 19 losses!

Till next time,
Be smart, be safe
Kathleen, Bob and Lunette


  1. Great news letter, as always!

  2. Such a crazy mixed up year in so many ways. Yesterday my friend and I dug up rose suckers from the side yard in the snow. Lake effect snow covered everything including us and the dog. Life in the snow belt. Happily the snow melted quickly. This morning the sun is shining.

    1. A very very cold spring. I hope our early vegetables survive.
