Friday, June 5, 2020

Bright Time/Flower Time 2020

Apple Blossom

With tonight's full moon, the month of Bright Time/Flower Time comes to a close. Another month of uncertainty and anxiety for everyone. We hope all of you readers are well and continuing to use precautions, not just for yourselves, but for the sake of others.

We've had a bit deeper experience with the pandemic here this month. Bob took my mother to Urgent Care for a twisted ankle. Since he missed lunch, he stopped at a local grocery to pick up a ready to go sandwich. A few days later, we received word that he may have had contact with someone who tested positive for COVID 19 while at the store. So, off he went for "the test" and began a period of self isolation. For the duration, we needed to stay six feet apart, sleep in separate rooms and use separate bathrooms. The bathrooms were no problem. Bedrooms more problematic. We have two rooms, but only one bed and no sofa. It's not a simple matter of just spending the money and picking up a bed (or sofa). With my allergy issues, conventional beds and furniture are not a good choice. Acceptable alternatives must be special ordered and are expensive. So, Bob slept on our latex foundation and I slept on the floor on our mattress topper folded in half. It was a mighty uncomfortable twelve days for both of us. We're glad to say that his result was negative and never developed symptoms. Also glad to be off the floor!

Cleaning garden edge

While he was restricted, he got quite a bit of weeding and mulching done in the garden.

Putting down mulch

But when he ran out of mulch, he couldn't go and get another load to finish the job right away.
This disappointed him considerably.

Hay, baby

After isolation ended, he got a bale of spoiled hay from someone at work.
This is why we have to keep one gas powered vehicle. It has to have the power to tote this kind of stuff.

Washer repair

He also found the time to repair our leaking washer. I'm sure glad that U Tube video worked out!

Cleaning cilantro for freezing

I've been doing garden work. I've frozen a few quarts of herbs and gotten everything planted except one bed of corn and the drying beans.

The plants have been growing slowly due to the unseasonably cool weather (which has now turned hot, by the way).

In the middle of the night on June 2, we were hit with a severe storm: 3/4" of rain, strong wind and 1/2" hail, all in about 30 minutes' time. Our chimney cap was blown off and deposited in the garden, some one hundred yards away. The garden plants sustained significant damage.
Tomato and pepper plants were broken clean off. Kale and chard, which were just getting big enough to harvest, were shredded. Even the garlic and shallots took a beating. It's all very discouraging!

That's about the sum total of our troubled month. We're hoping for better next month.

We'll leave you with some of the lovely flowers that have graced us in this month of Flower Time.
Till next time,
Take care.
Bob, Kathleen and Lunette


Forget Me Nots

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