Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Darkest Depths/Long Nights Time 2020


Some Holiday Color

The moon is full. The days are lengthening. And we bid farewell to Darkest Depths for another cycle.

We've spent much of this month busy in the pantry. 

Painting the ceiling trim

I got the ceiling and walls painted, as well as the ceiling trim and as much of the trim work as Bob has ready yet.

Bob has the ceiling trim all installed. Tomorrow I'll begin painting the wood for the rest of the trim work.

Bob installing window trim

Today we finished laying the new flooring. It's bamboo. The color is "Spice". We are very pleased with the results.

Bob just getting started with the flooring

My job was to place the planks

Bob's off work this week, so we hope to get a lot accomplished in this room.

When I'm not working in the pantry, I'm busy threshing out our beans. I have only about three more bushels to do before I'm done.

A nice snowfall

On the 17th, we got a lovely 8" of snow.

Pre solstice walk in our woods

We took advantage of the snow and went snow shoeing in our woods and meadow on the 20th. It was a part of our solstice celebration, because Bob had to work on the solstice.

Creek rushing with snow melt

On the 24th we had very heavy rain. It melted all of our Christmas snow. We were sad to see it go, but glad we got out to enjoy it earlier.

Our Christmas was quiet, as usual. We played a couple of games and watched an old holiday movie on DVD. I made apple walnut rolls for Christmas breakfast. I only make these for Yule, so that makes them extra special. We had a nice lunch, also.

Apple Walnut Breakfast Rolls

Lunette 10/8/07 - 12/1/20

And now it is my sad task to inform you that our friend, Lunette completed her sojourn here and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on the first of December. She was with us just two months shy of eight years.

The first half of her life was hard. We were her third, and possibly last chance. She came with many problems, some of which were never overcome. But we tried to do our best for her.

"Gottcha Day" Feb 2, 2013

She had attention, care, and about two acres of fenced yard to play in, in addition to another 36 acres of woods and meadow to explore with her best "huntin' buddy".

Now she rests outside of the fence at the edge of the woods that she loved. She can hunt forever where the eyes never dim, nor the legs collapse and her heart can beat strong again. Never more will she be frightened by people who shoot off fireworks or guns, or shout and scream. 

Rest well, our Lunette.

A chapter in our lives has ended. And now, Bob and I go on together; alone.

Till the next time, we hope that 2021 is a better year for us all,

Kathleen and Bob

Sept 2013 Straw piles were great fun!

Oct 2013 Glory Days


  1. So sorry to hear about Lunette. Seeing the pictures of her makes me cry. I'm sure she appreciated all that you did for her!

  2. You gave Lunette a very good life under the circumstances.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Lunette. She was a very sweet girl! (Ellie, the beekeeper in Trumansburg)

    1. Thanks Ellie. You were the last person to visit and play with her. She enjoyed that.

  4. Kathleen and Bob,

    It's been so long since I've seen you except in your wonderful excerpts from your lives! I have so enjoyed them. Especially the house renovations which I've also been going through since 2002! Everything looks wonderful! I am so saddened when anyones pets dies. My 20 yr old tortie Kitty died after a very brief illness and I miss her terribly. I hope you both are doing okay with Lunette gone. She was a beautiful dog and she was very lucky to own the both of you!!! Paula from Lavender Cat!!

    1. Thanks Paula, so nice to hear from you. I still remember your renovation stories!

  5. Bob and Kathleen,
    My condolences on your loss.

    Our pets play such a huge role in our lives and Lunette was clearly no exception. Eventually, we take comfort in knowing we gave them almost as much as they give to us, but that feeling won't come until the hole in your heart heals.

    My deepest sympathies.

    Charlie Frye (Twin Cities)

  6. I will miss the lovely stories of Lunette's "help" and adventures. So sad to lose such a friend and comforter.

  7. Bob and Kathleen, sorry to hear that, but you made her feel special her time with both of you. Best wishes for a much better year.

    Arnoldo & Noy

  8. Thanks Arnoldo, and best wishes for 2021 for your family as well.

  9. Bob & Kathy, I'm so sorry about Lunette. She had a special and wonderful life. Much love!
