Thursday, January 28, 2021

Cold Time / Renewal Time 2021

Our Creek on January 24th

Before I begin, I'd like to thank everyone that took the time to reach out to us regarding Lunette's passing. It was much appreciated.

August 1, 2019

If you commented on the bottom of the Blog page, we responded there. You can view our response by visiting that entry again.

Another month passes with tonight's full moon. Even though we're just ending the month of Cold Time, the thermometer claims otherwise. Actually, this weekend is predicted to be the coldest weather of the season. We've been in a snow drought this season, but there is some snow on the ground right now. I want snow in January and February, a little in March. By April, I don't welcome it so much.

Well, this month could have been called "Finish It Up" month.

An assortment of the beans we grow

I finished threshing out the beans; 11 gallons altogether.

Bob's sweater done

I finished Bob's sweater. That's not a "muffin top" he's sporting. He simply has on the requisite four winter layers underneath. We call it his artificial fat. Easier on the heart than the real thing!

Mini rug in the doll house dining room

My mini rug is done. I started it in March

And last, but certainly not least, the pantry is done! Here are some before and after pictures.

North wall before

The north wall before...

North corner after

...And here's that corner redone.

South west corner before


The south west corner before...

South west corner now

... And here's that corner now with the new closet. The retractable clothesline and folding drying racks are neatly concealed in the closet.

The new south wall with windows

South east corner before

 Remember that lovely carpet?

South east corner now

This is how that corner looks now.

North east corner. Look at that sunshine!

So the entire project is done! Everything is set back up and in use. We're pleased with the results and are glad that job's done!
Now we'll take a little "breather" before beginning the next project. We still have the laundry room, upstairs bathroom and the east wall spanning the dining room and kitchen. We're still trying to decide which one to tackle next.

In the meantime, we'll rest a bit, do some thinking and planning and keep the woodstove and the cooking stove busy.

Hunker down, do some reading and thinking, and restore yourselves. We'll check in with you at the next full moon.

Kathleen and Bob 


  1. I love the before and after pictures of the pantry. I remembered the paneling but I forgot about that exquisite carpeting. Enjoy your new space and rest up for the next adventure.

  2. Your new pantry is going to be a wonderful work area with storage places which never seem to be adequate. I was concerned when I thought the clothesline was disappearing, but was glad to see it's just be tucked out of sight when not in use. You'll still have it to use when it's cold and snowy or pouring down rain.
    I'm glad to see the snow and won't even mind it in February. The water table needs all the help it can get. I don't really want to see it in March or at least in late March because that's when we are supposed to be making our trip up to Pottsdam to get our vacine shots..
