Saturday, February 27, 2021

Stay at Home Time/Cleansing Time 2021


Moonrise Feb 26,2021

Here we are at the end of another moon cycle. The month of Stay at Home Time has been primarily restful for us.

A winter trek

Most of you heard about the Nor'easter that came through our area in early February. We ended up with about 21" of snow. No power outages or damage.

We still have much of the snow cover left, but warming temperatures and increasing winds are slowly bringing it down.

We've been resting; reading and doing the little jobs that are so small they seen never to get done. (Like putting knobs on a cupboard, fixing up birdfeeders...)

We took time to complete the AARP's online driver safety course. We do this every three years. It's boring, but we get a discount on our auto insurance. It's good to get it out of the way in our "down time" and the online class was much better than spending two long days of in person classroom work.

Heel stretches 

Bob's leg has been hurting for quite some time. The orthopedist says that his custom made orthotics are worn out and he needs an updated prescription. (Age and gravity are not a good combination.)  So Bob's been busy going to weekly Physical Therapy appointments and doing his exercises three times a day. He's still waiting for his new orthotics. The pandemic is slowing the production of that sort of thing. We're hoping that the pain is gone by the time the outdoor work begins in earnest.

We finally had to buy new phones. Our old "flip phones" were wearing out and we had to move up to "iphones". Bob has also been spending quite a bit of time trying to learn how to use everything. Then he has to try to teach me how to use them. At least the little bit that I'm actually interested in using.

I've been busy with my usual pursuits...

Learning a new piece

Practicing my harp 


Hardanger work

a new hardanger piece. I designed this last winter and am just getting started now. Nearly halfway done today.

The "Cleansing Time" in the month's title refers to preparing for new growth and applies broadly to all of life. It involves a clearing of old, unused or outdated ideas, possessions, that new growth has room to develop. 

We cleared out our old area rugs which were deteriorating. Here's what we got:

Front Room

Living room

Dining room

A new look and feel in the rooms.

This week I started just a few seeds in the cellar. There are some plants, like eggplants and peppers, that I like to be a little larger when I set them out in the garden. They're better able to withstand insect damage and will yield a bit earlier. Next month I'll be starting many more plants down there.

That's all of the news from here. We'll keep resting, but also pay attention to the stirring of new growth that we see and sense. 

Here's to new growth.

Kathleen and Bob

A cozy fire

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