Saturday, May 6, 2023

Shoots Show/Growing Time 2023

Spitzenburg Apple Blossoms

BOING!!  Spring has sprung! Our full Flower Moon has technically brought an end to our month of Shoots Show/Growing Time. But the growth spurt continues.

We've had some cooler and wet weather, but it appears things are starting to turn around. The sunshine and warmth are welcome.

Here's what's up and what's in at Thistledown:

The mushroom garden is done. Now we tend it and wait.

The finished mushroom garden.

Bob seeding the Winecap bed

Our small fruits are coming along nicely.  Red and black currants are blooming. Blueberries have many buds. The strawberry plants are looking good and the rhubarb will soon be ready to harvest.



Strawberries before blooming

In the vegetable garden, I've set out my cool weather plants, planted potatoes and sowed peas, early beets and early carrots.

Pea planting time

Setting out a cabbage plant

The garlic and shallots planted last autumn are up and looking fine.

Shallots and garlic

And I've made my first harvest from my perennial herbs. They really add zest to a sandwich.

Cress, Chervil and Chives

Today is the first day my warm weather plants are outside to begin hardening off. Just one hour of sunlight today, then one additional hour each day until planting time at the end of May.

Regarding other areas of the homefront:

The fuel oil tank from our old heating system is finally gone!

The oil tank, about 6'x4'x3'

We swapped it to an Amish roofer in exchange for some roof repair that we needed.

Tank gone and lots of nice space

 Now we have that out of the way, some nice new space in the cellar and no more leak in our porch roof.

Speaking of the porch, work has begun there.

Here's a photo of the site before work began.

Porch area before, with weird angled, high step 

Bob's cleared the area, removed one concrete step and also the old propane line. Now he's putting in the framing for the new porch.

Bob busy on the porch today

I've finally finished all of my spring cleaning, ending with the windows all washed, the final freezer cleaned and the refrigerator cleaned. 

Outside, I've gotten the rose bush pruned and the flower beds trimmed and ready for new growth. Things look so much better tidied up.

We're pleased that, even with all this work, we've been able to keep up with our goal of at least one outing a week.

We visited Fillmore Glen State Park and saw many hepatica in bloom.

Falls at Fillmore Glen State Park

Hepatica blooming at Fillmore

Next we revisited Teeter Pond in the Fingerlakes National Forest.

Teeter Pond

We made our first visit to Smith Woods in Trumansburg. There we saw many Trillium, both red and white. Also many trout lilies (past bloom) and mayapples (before bloom).

Smith Woods (big Beech trees)

Trillium at Smith Woods

Finally, we travelled to the Montezuma Wildlife Refuge. There we saw our first Glossy Ibis (sorry, no photos). It was quite a treat!

As you can see, we've been very busy, but our nice winter's rest has prepared us (mentally and physically) for our current tasks. It's good to have the energy we need for this new season.

Take care and my you grow along with the season.

Till next time,

Kathleen and Bob

My Bleeding Hearts are lovely this year

Red Trillium at Smith Woods

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