Friday, June 2, 2023

Bright Time/ Flowering Time 2023


The harvests begin!

We've been having a very warm week here. The sweet potato plants have been loving it! My rose bush is covered with blossoms. 

Therese Bugnet shrub rose

You can't beat a Therese Bugnet for beautifully fragrant blooms!

The garden is in process. This weekend I hope to plant cucumbers, squash, string beans and half of my corn. Next week, it will be time to plant the dry beans.

Laying out plant starts

I've already set out my warm weather starts: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and flowers.

My lettuce is beautiful right now. We're harvesting heads daily for salads.

Gorgeous lettuce

Also, we're picking spinach, tat soi and rhubarb.

Strawberries are just beginning to ripen.

Our first berry!

We're looking forward to many more of them.

There were few morels this year. That's the way wild mushrooming goes.

Just a small handful

I've made rhubarb sauce to put in the freezer, and there's dill drying in the attic.

In my spare time, I finished off my late winter needlework project. About 20 years ago I splurged and bought a silk and pashmina wrap. It's wonderfully light weight and warm, but the color did not excite me. Even less so since I've lost my red hair. For a few years now, I have planned to perk it up with some embroidery. I finally came up with a design I liked and got to work.

The finished product

I finished it this month and am very pleased with the results.

Bob's been working diligently on the new porch. Of course, it helps that his lawn mower has been in the shop for three weeks. He has had more time for the porch project.

The decking is nearly all on. He ran out of fasteners at lunchtime today. He'll be in Ithaca tomorrow as an event volunteer and pick up more then.

The deck as it looks right now

Soon he'll be on to the post covers and handrails. I think we're really going to like this new porch!

We have taken two "get away" days this month. 

First we went to Letchworth State Park. There we hiked on the southern edge by the lower and middle falls and through the woods. We saw many wildflowers and some great views.

View of the gorge

Lower falls at Letchworth State Park

This week we went to the Chimney Bluffs State Park on Lake Ontario.

Entrance of Chimney Bluffs State Park

It was our first visit to this park and we were impressed by these unique formations.

The bluffs of Chimney Bluffs State Park

Our hike was wooded and cool on this day that saw temperatures in the upper 80s. 

After hiking for two and a half hours, and a picnic lunch, we drove a short distance to Sodus Bay and toured the Sodus Bay Lighthouse.

The light at Sodus Bay Point

We came home tired, but enjoyed a very nice day.

That's all of the news from here. We continue to be busy with the garden and the porch project. It is our busy time of year, after all. This is where we earn our winter's rest.

May you all have good days of warmth and sunshine.

Till next time,

Kathleen and Bob

Longspur violet at Letchworth

Golden Ragwort at Letchworth

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