Thursday, January 25, 2024

Cold Time/Renewal Time 2024


Time to relax by a cozy fire

Cold Time has ended on a warm note. This month we have had some cold and snow, but nothing too extraordinary. We did have a couple of hefty windstorms. There was no damage to the house lot, except for some small, dead branches that came down. We haven't yet taken the time to check for damage in our woods.

For the Renewal portion of the month, we've both been doing a good deal of reading. Additionally, I've been doing some needlework.

Bob's sweater being blocked

I've finished Bob's Christmas sweater (late, I know). All that's left is to sew on the buttons this weekend.

This year's piece: pansy runner

I've also been working on a hardanger project. I have a pill I take every Sunday morning. I can't eat for two hours after taking it, so my routine is to spend an hour to an hour and a half working on this piece. It's the only time I get to work on it through the week. Hopefully I'll finish it by April or May, since it has pansies embroidered on it.

I am also knitting a ski mask for Bob. The winter wind on our daily walk is hard on his face. I should have this done by Monday, when our cold temperatures are supposed to return.

Now, on to our projects.

Bob's been busy planning the second-floor bathroom update. The supplies have been ordered and should be delivered at the end of this week or the beginning of next. 

This is the last room to be totally revamped, and in my opinion, wins the award for the most "Gawd Awful"! I'm not alone in this view. We had the code officer in a few years ago on another matter. He walked into that room and said, "Whoa! This will be the next room to do!".

Here's a gallery of "before" shots for your pleasure (?).

Open the door and walk into a wall

Note the lovely gold marble masonite board ala 1960 something. I'm sure it was ugly then. Age, discoloration and pealing surface have not enhanced it.

Peaking around the wall 

Lovely blue tub and surround

The surround and tub have no caulking. We're sure the drywall behind must be a disaster. The teddy bears make me cringe.

Old vanity cabinet with water damage

The toilet was replaced before we bought the house. Everything else is "vintage". The vanity is water damaged inside and stinks from whatever chemicals were stored in there for years. Yuck!

Very large closet, missing doors

This huge closet is not very useful. We use it as a dressing room. There were broken bifold doors on it, which Bob has already removed. We will make this a much smaller and more useable space.

I am currently painting the new closet doors, trying to get a jump on what work I can.

New closet doors in process

Even as I type this, Bob is finishing the hanging of the new door for the second upstairs bedroom. This house had definite door issues. All of the doors were either missing entirely or damaged. This one was missing. Only the hinges remained.

New matches old quite well

New latch going on

As a reminder that winter does not last forever, I've finished planning out my 2024 garden, and the seed order has arrived.

Some of this year's selections

We haven't gotten out too much this winter, but wildlife sometimes comes to us.

This week we had a Northern Goshawk shopping at our birdfeeders. We thought it was great. Our avian regulars did not agree.

Wild turkeys have visited a few times. This last group numbered 24.

Turkeys heading back into the woods

So, while our month hasn't been entirely rest filled and relaxing, our projects have not been too taxing. Perhaps next winter we can relax a bit more. It's something to aim for. 

Next we look ahead to Cleansing Time, when we examine, assess and make alterations in our lives. It's like a late-winter garden clean up in preparation for new growth.

We hope you have enjoyed a time of rest and renewal. Perhaps you might consider "tending your own garden" to encourage growth.

Till next time,

Kathleen and Bob

Wild Turkey

1 comment:

  1. The upstairs bathroom redo is looking good. Pity you couldn't find a new blue tub for nostalgia sake.
