Sunday, February 25, 2024

Stay at Home / Cleansing Time 2024


Our creek filled with snowmelt & rain

There goes another month. We stayed at home most of Stay at Home Time, but then, we stay at home most of the time.

During this month Bob's begun the hands-on bathroom remodeling. Aside from a couple of items on order, the supplies have been delivered. Most are in the cellar, but the tub surround currently stands in my kitchen.

Tub surround in a box.

The first step in the process was to remove the plumbing access cover, which is in the downstairs bathroom.

That access cover is heavy!

Next, he removed the Masonite, tub surround, and old gypsum board from the tub area. We were pleased to find the mold in this area to be minimal.

Quite a bit of time was devoted to improving the blocking in that area to make the walls straight. That's an old house (174+/- years) thing.

Tub blocking. That's original wallpaper, folks!

Once Bob and his level had completed that chore, he installed cement board which will back the new tub surround. He just finished that job this morning.

Bathroom on Feb 25th

Next, he'll drywall above the cement board and mend the ceiling in this area. Then it's me and my trusty paintbrush.

He decided to begin with the tub area because it's easily isolated and allows us to use the toilet and sink a little while longer.

Bob at Cornell

The Wildlife Center asked Bob for some more perches, which he was very happy to supply.

They wanted "bark on" perches of specific sizes for the injured critters. It only took Bob a couple of hours and got him out of the bathroom and into the fresh air on a pleasant day. In addition to that, he was able to use a Box Elder tree that needed to come down anyway. He really enjoys doing these little projects for them.

Load of perches ready to go.

I have spent extra time this month on needlework projects and harp practice. 

It was time to refurbish my outdoor winter ware, so I dipped into my stash again and made up a scarf with matching mittens and an ear band (I don't wear hats!) with matching mittens. Then I raveled a pair of mittens (I didn't like the way they fit) and am reknitting those.

Busy needles

I've spent just a little more time on my hardanger piece which I mentioned last month. I finished the embroidery on one end this morning.

One end done.

This month also allows me more time to spend on harp practice. Right now I'm focusing on these two books, while still keeping up on the pieces I've already learned.

My current music focus.


In an effort to improve our energy efficiency, we've finally been able to upgrade our plant start lighting from fluorescent bulbs to LED grow lights. I'm looking forward to seeing improvement in both our electric use and plant growth.

New LED grow lights are really much brighter!

Cleansing Time is the other half of our month's designation. This is a cleansing aimed at removing obstacles to growth and vision. It means taking time to think about what we really want in life and considering what is standing in the way of achieving it. Obstacles may be material, emotional, relational, ... Once identified, taking appropriate action is the next step. 

A thoughtful time.

This year, we did not see so many material goods that needed to be shed right now. What we did see was change needed in thought patterns and habits. This is in many ways more difficult work. It will be well worth the effort.

That's what our month has looked like. Great seasonal changes loom just ahead - both in the out of doors and in our internal lives.

Look forward to the change of seasons, while still resting in the end of this season of refreshment.

Till next time,

Kathleen and Bob

Ever optimistic Daffodils!

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